Quickcell Technology Products Pty LtdPhone & Fax


Our company can provide a variety of fully integrated beam and flooring systems to suit our client's design requirements.

These consist of systems that are as shallow as 340mm overall thickness, providing real alternatives and comparable solutions when compared with in-situ post-tensioned slabs. (8.1m x 9.0m grid dimensions) These systems require minimum of formwork or no formwork around the column capitals, depending on the column design. While the floors are self-supporting, however, beams require temporary supports during the installation process and the application of topping concrete.

We supply further band beam flooring systems, that are fully integrated and require absolutely no formwork or propping, during the installation process and the application of topping concrete.

Our company's latest development includes a uniquely designed flat floor system with or without drop panels (Patent Pending).

We would be very happy to provide you with detailed design information for your individual projects.